Sometimes you take a look at your lawn and something is not right. Despite regular mowing, watering, and fertilization, the lawn does not look as you would expect. What is the reason? If the condition of your grass is worse, you might need one additional treatment.

There is an ace up the sleeve and its name is aeration. If you want to help your soil to loosen up and let the grass you need to consider aerating the lawn now. Our guide to aeration will help you with all the details. We will also tell you what can you do with all leftover soil plugs.

What is Aeration?

Aeriation is the key to a beautiful lawn. Some people also call it aerification or aeriation. All these names concern a method of deep pricking of the turf. Gardeners perform aeration using a tool called the aerator. Thanks to its pointed spikes, the soil loosens up to let more air in. This way the air gaps within the soil become more extended.

Under the influence of ideal aeration, the roots of your grass become stronger and healthier. What is more, the turf starts to look more even. This treatment significantly accelerates the regeneration of your lawn after the winter. However, if you use your grass intensively, you should repeat the process at least once in late summer. We recommend performing aeration a few years throughout the year.

How Can You Perform Aeration?

If you have a very small lawn, you can carry out aeration yourself. To do so, visit your local store and ask for lawn aerator shoes. These special spiky covers you put on your footwear are a simple way to let more air inside the soil. The downside to this is that the method is laborious and not very efficient.

The best solution is to leave the aeration to professionals, who possess the know-how and the right tools to do it. By using specialized aerators, they evenly and effectively take care of your lawn. The result of good lawn aeration is soil full of nutrients. Your grassroots have more space to grow strong and provide the blades with key microelements.

Before this method is applied, you should water the lawn well, as the soil below has to be wet. At the same time, it is crucial to wait for the top layer to dry out. It will ensure the best results.

From time to time, aeration can leave some soil plugs lying on the surface. There is no need to worry. Any residues of soil or roots are welcome to dry wherever they fall on the lawn. Experts confirm that they should not be removed.

Professional aerators tear these plugs into smaller pieces, which are hardly visible on the ground. What is most important, they can break into useful nutrients. All organic matter can still feed the soil and be beneficial to the surface. Any roots left on the lawn can reconnect with the turf to grow healthy and strong.

When Should You Aerate the Lawn?

Aeration is a treatment we suggest performing in the second year after establishing the lawn. You should perform the first aeration in early spring. If the grass needs complementing, you can spread new seeds around the lawn. Aeration helps fresh seeds to develop new grass blades quicker.

You should schedule your lawn aeration after considering weather conditions. If your soil is dried out, it is crucial to water it well before aerating the lawn. On the other hand, whenever the turf is too wet, wait a while for the top layer to dry.

If the lawn is used more often, at least one more aeration is necessary, this time in early fall. The soil is compact after a long season of intense use during the summer. Carrying out aeration around September or October also speeds up the regeneration of your lawn after heavy winters.

After you have completed aerating the lawn, now it is a good time to think about fertilizing the soil. We recommend our article on lawn fertilizers.

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