If you ask people around the world about the associations they have with Canada, snowy winters might be one of the frequent answers. There is a lot of truth to that statement since Canadians experience heavy snowfall nearly every single year. Desperate times call for desperate measures and that is when the heavy equipment starts rolling around our cities. Is there any chance to avoid snow plow damage around your yard and driveway?

Snow Plow

What is Snow Plow Damage?

Here in Canada, we all know what heavy snowfall means and how fast it can turn landscapes into a winter wonderland. Once the big guns are being rolled out to fight the snow, the risk of snow plow damage increases. It can happen due to all kinds of snow removal equipment, which plows, blows, or removes the thick white blanket from our streets.

To some extent also the use of ice-melting products is a serious problem. Road salts and other compounds can negatively affect the quality of your turf. It would be best to leave this job to a professional snow removal company.

Your lawn can unintentionally become the victim of snow plow damage. The most sensitive parts are the borders of the road, driveway, sidewalk, and pathways. If you do not maintain them adequately over the winter, the turf can be in danger.

Snow plow damage happens when heavy snow removal equipment uses plow blades. While digging along the edges of your lawn, they can cause the turf to lift and tear. What is more, many residents have no idea it takes place until it is already too late.

If you do not mark them properly, your irrigation system sprinklers can be damaged, too. Those that operate around the edges of the yard are specifically prone to snow plow damage. Therefore, you should consider securing your lawn even before the first snowfall. Maintaining safety around the yard is the first step to saving time and money after the winter is over.

How to Avoid Snow Plow Damage?

The best way to avoid snow plow damage in your yard and driveway is to take necessary precautions. Even the very simplest of tools can play a huge part in saving your lawn from snow plow damage. For example, using reflective markers to spot the edges of the yard is a good way to start. Outlining the lawn and marking irrigation sprinklers should be visible to the snow removal professionals working on site.

If you decide to outline your lawn, be sure to use higher reflective markers or stakes. You do not want the snow to cover them. This way anyone can see them and carefully operate around the most vulnerable places.

What About Necessary Springtime Repairs?

So it has happened after all – you could not have helped snow plow damage around the yard and walkway. No need to worry! You can put together all the missing parts of the turf and let Mother Nature do its job. If the roots are in bad condition, re-sodding such areas will be a good option.

However, we must say that preparation is crucial when it comes to snow plow damage. We recommend acting in advance to secure your walkway and lawn. This way you will be able to save money and time on springtime repairs. Preventive actions are the key to a healthy and good-looking yard. Remember to perform such duties before the first snowfall surprises you in late autumn or early winter.

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